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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 12/04/2006-Ferris



Approved 12/19/06

Members present:  Chairman David Craig, Vice Chairman Harry Piper, Phil Consolini, Ed DiPietro, Bob Todd (all voting) and Laura Todd, clerk.

Chairman Craig opened the hearing @ 7:02PM.  Read the application before us; Scott Robert Ferris for property at 204 Colburn Road, Map/Lot1/36 for an AREA VARIANCE.  Scott is the applicant and Tracey Ferris is the owner of the property, Tracey gave Scott permission to submit the application.  This is application is to subdivide a lot off of a substandard lot.

Scott Ferris explained the situation; his brother has moved here with his family and has to travel frequently.  He wants to subdivide his property of 2.83 acres, so the existing barn and house will be on two separate lots.  The barn has electricity and septic.  Their idea would be to divide the land with the house onto a 2-acre lot and the barn onto .83 acres.

Lee Hess an abutter, looked on and gave the history of the building.

Discussion regarding the status of the road followed.

Bud Piper was concerned there was a lack of area and no frontage.

Bob Todd said with a Class V frontage they could make a condominium with an addition onto the existing house.

Chairman Craig said that the applicant needed to make several choices before the board could make any kind of decision on this application.  He suggested the applicant withdraw the application (without prejudice) and explore his options with a surveyor and the planning board.

Laura clarified that if the application was withdrawn a new application and fee would be needed, to come before the Zoning Board again.

Bud moved to allow the withdrawal of this application without prejudice, 2nd by Phil, passed.

Respectfully Submitted
Laura Todd, clerk